
Principal In Charge of Landscape Architecture, Lead Design

Celebrating the Heritage of the Land

Built around a working commercial farm, Harvest seeks to integrate the agrarian roots and Faught familyhistory into a master planned community forover 3000eventualresidents. The master planfinds itsform in the gridded rows of summer wheat,formerly grown over thesite’s1200 acres. The historicFaught family farmhouse serves as the front door for residents and visitors justas it always has from thelate 1800s.

Fostering Community

The heart of the community can be found inthe farm, gardens, and parks thatcreate the framework forlife’s stories to unfold. Throughout the year over 900 programmed events take place in these spaces atHarvest from the morningboot campor cup of coffee to thefarm to tablecommunity dinner or“divein” movie at the pool. A careful balance of location, flexibility and scale have been considered in eachspace to offer the greatest value to the end user.

Delivering Landscape Performance

The landscape at Harvest hasalsobeen design with environmentaland economic performance as adesign principle.The palette of landscape materials was developed in coordination with the Texas A andM University Extension and included a list of materials that are specifically selected based on sitespecific soil suitability, water usage, and maintenance requirements. In addition the community widestorm water management system has been designed to capture siterunoff through a series of bioswalesand catchments for collection and irrigation reuse.Harvest was selected for case study analysis by the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) in 2017 fordocumentation as an exemplary landscape project.


Allen Ridge
Abilene, TX

Mayor Vera Calvin Plaza
Burleson, TX

Urban Gateways
Fort Worth, TX

W Hotel
Nashville, TN

The Mix
Frisco, Texas

Hart Patterson
Waco, Texas

The Lafourche
Basin Levee District

Tim Guana
Downtown Ennis, Texas

Goodland Park
Grand Prairie, Texas

Arlington, TX

Austin, TX